How To Use ChatGPT To Write a Script

Prompt Advance

Staring at a blank page, the cursor blinking like a ticking time bomb, taunting you with every click. Sounds familiar? I call it scriptwriters' eternal struggle.

But what if there's a tool that can take this "struggle" and turn it into "strategy"? Yes, I'm talking about ChatGPT.

I know what you're thinking, "AI writing my script? That's like asking a microwave to cook a Michelin-star meal." But here's the deal – I don't want ChatGPT to replace the Spielberg in you. I want ChatGPT to unleash it.

So if you want to do that, continue reading and learn how I took ChatGPT for a spin and used it to write a complete script from idea to polished pages.

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Writing a Script With ChatGPT

There are many ways to get ChatGPT to write a script for you. But if you want the best results, you need to split that task into bite-sized pieces. Here is how we're going to write a script with ChatGPT:

  1. Generate Idea
  2. Write a brief summary
  3. Define characters
  4. Generate story beats
  5. Write chapters

1. Generate Idea

To kick things off, I asked ChatGPT to give me some ideas. And here's how the conversation went.

Act as an experienced scriptwriter. You are tasked with brainstorming innovative and engaging ideas for a new script. The story should be original, compelling, and resonate with a wide audience. Consider different genres, settings, characters, and plot twists. Ensure that each idea has a brief synopsis, highlighting its central theme and potential character arcs.

  • Modern-Day Redemption in a Juvenile Detention Center: Set the story in a contemporary juvenile detention center, focusing on a young protagonist wrongfully accused of a cybercrime. The narrative could explore themes of friendship, mentorship, and resilience amidst the challenges of modern-day incarceration, including dealing with cyberbullying, rehabilitation, and the power of social media for social justice.
  • Escape Through Esports: The protagonist is a talented gamer who finds solace and a sense of identity in the world of competitive esports while dealing with the unjust system. The story could revolve around the protagonist's journey of building a team within the detention center, leading to an underdog story of redemption and freedom, metaphorically "escaping" the confines of their reality through the victories and camaraderie found in gaming.
  • Virtual Reality as Salvation: In a near-future setting, the detention center incorporates virtual reality (VR) as part of the rehabilitation program. The protagonist, a tech-savvy teen, discovers a glitch or a hidden layer within the VR system that could potentially lead to their exoneration. The story could delve into themes of reality vs. virtuality, the quest for truth in a digital age, and forming genuine connections in a world where technology often isolates.

I have no idea why, but this sounds like "The Shawshank Redemption" for Gen Z. But I don't judge. On the contrary, I like the first idea ChatGPT gave me.

Let's see if we can expand on it.

2. Write Brief Summary

This is what experienced scriptwriters call synopsis. It's a summary that outlines what happens in a script. And it gives you the big picture without diving into all the details. But I don't want to bore you with definitions, let's take action.

I prompted ChatGPT to generate the synopsis based on the idea from before.

Act as an experienced scriptwriter. Create a script synopsis based on the provided [logline]. The synopsis should outline the main plot points, character arcs, and thematic elements of the story. Include key moments, twists, and conflicts that drive the narrative forward. Focus on creating a compelling and engaging story that will captivate audiences and leave them wanting more. Strive to showcase your storytelling abilities and creativity in bringing the logline to life through the synopsis.

Here is the logline: "In a world where digital footprints dictate fate, a tech-savvy teenager, wrongfully convicted of a high-profile cybercrime, navigates the harsh realities of a juvenile detention center, forging unlikely alliances and using the power of code, social media, and sheer wit to fight for justice, uncover the truth, and reclaim freedom."

Title: "Code of Justice"

Act 1: In the near future, society is governed by digital footprints, where every online action can lead to real-world consequences. Alex Rivera, a 17-year-old coding prodigy with a passion for justice and digital activism, is implicated in a major cybercrime: a hack that leaked sensitive government data. Despite Alex's claims of innocence, the overwhelming digital evidence leads to a swift conviction, and Alex is sent to a high-tech juvenile detention center designed to reform the digital delinquents of tomorrow.

Act 2: Inside the detention center, Alex struggles to adapt to the harsh environment, clashing with both the inmates and the strict regime that seeks to erase their digital identities. However, Alex's skills quickly draw attention. Jordan, a charismatic inmate with a knack for social manipulation, proposes an alliance: Alex's technical skills in exchange for Jordan's protection and social navigation within the center's complex hierarchy.

Together, they uncover evidence that the cybercrime may have been an inside job, aimed at pushing a draconian cybersecurity bill. As they dig deeper, Alex and Jordan recruit a diverse crew of inmates, each with unique digital talents, forming a makeshift family united by a common goal.

Act 3: Their investigation leads to a risky plan: to hack into the detention center's security system and use the social media networks to expose the conspiracy. The climax unfolds as the group enacts their plan during a live-streamed rehabilitation ceremony, turning it into a platform to broadcast the truth. Amidst chaos, Alex faces a moral dilemma when the real mastermind behind the cybercrime is revealed to be someone Alex admired—a whistleblower turned rogue

In the final moments, with the facility in lockdown and authorities closing in, Alex makes a bold decision to ensure the truth reaches the public, sacrificing their chance at escape. The broadcast goes viral, sparking widespread debates about digital ethics, justice, and the power of youth in the digital age.

Epilogue: The film closes with Alex serving the remainder of their sentence, but now with a sense of purpose and a community of friends. Outside, the impact of their actions has ignited a movement among young people, challenging the status quo and advocating for a fair and just digital world. As Alex is finally released, they step into a world that is still flawed but now holds space for voices like theirs, ready to continue the fight for justice in the digital frontier.

As you can see, this doesn't scream a masterpiece. But with a little bit of human touch, this could be the start of something great.

However, I don't want to tinker with the output. I want to see what AI is capable of on its own. So let's move on to the next step.

3. Define Characters

The next step is to build character arcs. We already have the synopsis written. Now, we can just continue with the conversation.

Act as a Hollywood acclaimed scriptwriter. First, determine movie characters based on a provided synopsis. Then, define a character arc for each character based on the provided synopsis. Develop a compelling and believable character arc that will resonate with the audience and elevate the overall narrative. Ensure that the character arc is coherent, consistent, and adds depth to the story.

Alex Rivera

Starting Point: Alex begins as a 17-year-old coding prodigy with a strong moral compass, passionate about justice and digital activism. Despite their skills and good intentions, Alex is naive about the real-world implications of their actions and the complexities of the digital world.

Inciting Incident: Alex is wrongfully accused and convicted of a major cybercrime, thrusting them into a harsh and unfamiliar environment within a high-tech juvenile detention center. This experience shatters Alex's trust in the digital systems and the authorities that govern them.

Middle Point: Inside the detention center, Alex's initial struggle to adapt and confront their harsh reality evolves as they form an alliance with Jordan. This partnership not only helps Alex navigate the social complexities of the detention center but also ignites a newfound sense of camaraderie and purpose. Alex's technical skills, once a source of individual pride, become a tool for collective action.

Climax: Alex's journey reaches a critical juncture during the live-streamed rehabilitation ceremony. Faced with the moral dilemma of exposing a whistleblower turned rogue, whom Alex once admired, they must weigh their ideals against the consequences of their actions. This moment represents the culmination of Alex's growth, from a solitary activist to a leader willing to make personal sacrifices for the greater good.

Resolution: Alex ends up serving their sentence but with a transformed perspective. They've grown from a naive prodigy to a mature, purpose-driven individual who values community and understands the complexities of justice in the digital age. Alex's actions have sparked a broader movement, and as they step back into the world, it's with the knowledge that they are part of a larger collective striving for change.


Starting Point: Jordan is introduced as a charismatic inmate with a talent for social manipulation. Initially, Jordan's motivations seem self-serving, using their social skills primarily for personal gain within the detention center's hierarchy.

Inciting Incident: Jordan's encounter with Alex represents a turning point, recognizing in Alex not just a valuable ally but a chance to engage in something larger than personal survival and gain.

Middle Point: Through the alliance with Alex, Jordan begins to shift from a manipulative inmate to a strategic and loyal friend. Jordan's skills in social navigation become critical in unifying the diverse group of inmates, turning individual talents into a cohesive force.

Climax: Jordan's character arc reaches a peak in the planning and execution of the hack to expose the conspiracy. This act is not just about survival or personal gain but about fighting for justice and truth, showcasing Jordan's growth from a self-interested manipulator to a key player in a cause greater than themselves.

Resolution: By the end of the narrative, Jordan emerges as a true friend and ally to Alex and the group. The experience in the detention center transforms Jordan from a lone wolf into a dependable team player who values the collective over individual success.

I have to be honest here. As I read through the response, I liked it. So you can imagine how excited I was for the next part.

4. Generate Story Beats

There are many ways to write a beat sheet. I went with Save The Cat, but you can pick any format you like. Just make sure to change the prompt accordingly.

That being said, here's how the conversation went.

Considering the synopsis and character arcs, generate a beat sheet in "Save The Cat" format.

  • A bustling urban landscape in the near future, where digital screens and devices dominate the scenery, illustrating the omnipresence of digital technology in everyday life.
  • During a family dinner, Alex's younger sibling questions the fairness of judging people by their digital footprints, hinting at the story's central theme of justice and the consequences of our digital lives.
  • Alex is introduced as a coding prodigy with a passion for digital activism. We see Alex's daily life, their interactions with friends and family, and a glimpse into their activism, which toes the line between ethical hacking and cybercrime.
  • Alex is suddenly arrested in a dramatic raid, accused of a major cybercrime—the leak of sensitive government data. Despite Alex's protests of innocence, the evidence is damning, leading to a swift conviction.
  • Alex grapples with the reality of their situation, the loss of freedom, and the harsh environment of the high-tech juvenile detention center. This section highlights Alex's internal conflict and the decision to fight back or submit to the system.
  • Inside the detention center, Alex decides to ally with Jordan, recognizing that survival and uncovering the truth requires cooperation and the use of their combined skills.
  • The B Story focuses on the budding friendship and trust between Alex and Jordan, providing an emotional counterpoint to the main cybercrime plot and highlighting themes of loyalty, friendship, and redemption.
  • Alex, Jordan, and their recruited crew of talented inmates embark on their mission to uncover the truth about the cybercrime. This section is filled with hacking sequences, planning, and the dynamics of their makeshift family coming together, offering moments of levity and bonding.
  • The group discovers concrete evidence that the cybercrime was an inside job meant to push a draconian cybersecurity bill. This revelation raises the stakes and shifts the narrative from merely surviving the detention center to exposing a significant conspiracy.
  • As the group prepares to enact their plan, tensions rise. External pressures from the detention center authorities and internal conflicts within the group threaten to derail their mission. The real mastermind behind the crime starts to suspect their plan.
  • Just as their plan is about to come to fruition, a critical setback occurs. The evidence they've gathered is nearly destroyed, and key members of the group, including Jordan, are put in solitary confinement, leaving Alex isolated and on the verge of giving up.
  • Alex reflects on their journey, the cost of their activism, and the potential futility of their fight. This moment is the emotional low point for Alex, filled with doubt and despair.
  • Inspired by the resilience and camaraderie of their friends, Alex devises a new, riskier plan to hack the detention center's security system during a live-streamed rehabilitation ceremony.
  • The group enacts their daring plan. Amidst chaos, Alex faces the whistleblower turned rogue, choosing to expose the truth even if it means sacrificing their chance at freedom. The broadcast goes viral, sparking a global debate about digital ethics and justice.
  • Alex, now serving the remainder of their sentence with a renewed sense of purpose, is seen mentoring younger inmates. The outside world shows signs of change inspired by their actions, and Alex is finally released into a world that, while still flawed, is more open to voices like theirs.

The story gets a bit boring here. I tried different prompting techniques and went back and forth with ChatGPT, but I couldn't get a better response.


If you want to get a more interesting story, you need to take the response from ChatGPT and give it your inner Spielberg.

5. Write Chapters

This is the last step of the process. It'll tie everything together and give us a full-blown script - hopefully. But before we do that, let ChatGPT summarize what we have so far.

To do this, copy & paste the prompt to your ongoing conversation.

Quickly & compactly summarize what we have so far. This will include: synopsis, characters, story beats. 

Once ChatGPT does this, we're ready to write chapters. We'll need to write the chapters one by one based on the story beats from the previous step.

Here is how I structured the prompt to do this.

Your task is to write first chapter for a script based on a story beat: "A bustling urban landscape in the near future, where digital screens and devices dominate the scenery, illustrating the omnipresence of digital technology in everyday life."

Use your expertise in storytelling and character development to bring the scene to life, engaging the audience and advancing the plot. Pay attention to the tone, pacing, and dialogue to ensure that the chapter seamlessly fits into the overall narrative. Your goal is to create a compelling and unforgettable moment that leaves the audience eager for more.



A sprawling metropolis under a clear sky. Towering skyscrapers adorned with digital billboards, broadcasting vibrant ads and news tickers. The streets teem with people, their eyes often glued to handheld devices. Autonomous vehicles glide smoothly alongside cyclists in dedicated lanes.


A crowded pedestrian plaza, where digital art installations shift shapes and colors, captivating passersby. A drone hovers, projecting a holographic performance in mid-air, drawing a small crowd.

ANGLE ON: A young man, ALEX RIVERA (17), with an intelligent gaze and a casual demeanor, navigates through the crowd. He wears smart glasses, occasionally swiping through augmented reality interfaces visible only to him.

Alex stops by a digital kiosk, taps a few holographic buttons, and a small 3D-printed object dispenses into his hand. He examines it, nods appreciatively, and pockets it.



A cozy yet modern cafe filled with a mix of patrons, from suited professionals to creative types. Screens line the walls, displaying art and news in equal measure.

Alex enters, finding a spot at a communal table. He sets down a sleek, compact laptop and begins typing rapidly, lines of code flowing across the screen. His focus is absolute, the world around him fading away.

ANGLE ON: A GROUP OF TEENS at a nearby table, laughing and sharing content on their devices. One of them, JEN (16), vibrant and outspoken, notices Alex.

JEN (to her friends)

Check out the lone wolf.

The group quiets down, their curiosity piqued. Jen approaches Alex with a confident stride.


Hey, what's got you so engrossed?

Alex glances up, a hint of annoyance fading to polite interest.


Just working on a project. It's nothing exciting, unless you're into coding.

Jen leans in, genuinely intrigued.


Actually, I am. What kind of project?

Alex hesitates, assessing Jen's sincere interest. He makes a quick decision to trust.


I'm developing an app. It's a digital footprint cleaner—helps protect your privacy online.

Jen's eyes widen, impressed.


That's... actually really cool. Mind if I take a look?

Alex smiles, a rare connection made. He turns the laptop slightly towards her.


Sure, but it's still in beta. Could use some feedback.

The two delve into a technical discussion, their conversation a blend of jargon and youthful enthusiasm. Other teens gather around, drawn by the novel idea and Alex's expertise.

As the discussion blooms, a NEWS TICKER on the cafe's screen shifts to a breaking story, unnoticed by the group:

NEWS TICKER: "Government announces crackdown on unauthorized digital activities, citing national security concerns."

The camera pans out, leaving the group engrossed in their world of possibilities, oblivious to the looming challenges of the digital age.


To write the next chapter, I typed "Continue" and hit Enter. However, you can give your feedback to ChatGPT and maybe you'll get the response you're looking for.

And this is pretty much it, now you need to write the chapter for every story beat until you have the final script.

But will it be any good? Let me give you my thoughts on that in the next chapter.

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ChatGPT For Script Writing: Takeaways

For this experiment, I was using GPT-4 to do all the writing. This is the most up to date model as of now, and it should give you the best results.

But did it? Let me give you my thoughts.

Can ChatGPT Write a Script?

As I tried to write a script with ChatGPT, I learned 2 main things.

1/ ChatGPT is great for brainstorming and thinking big picture. It can give you really good ideas to get your creative juices flowing.

2/ ChatGPT is not so great when it comes to tasks that require detail. The chapters it wrote were rather short. It made up characters along the way. And it also changed some parts of the story.

So do I think that ChatGPT can write a movie script on its own? Not yet!

Can You Use ChatGPT To Write a Script?

And for the next question that is probably crossing your mind. Can you actually do this? Is it okay to use AI for writing your scripts?

Let's be honest. Your clients don't care. If the script is good, if you delivered it on time, and if it has the potential to become a great movie. No one will really care if you use AI or not.

But as we learned today, if you use AI to do all the work, you'll end up with a mediocre script that no one will want.