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Using Our ChatGPT Extension

Using Our ChatGPT Extension

The Prompt Advance official ChatGPT extension is bringing our prompt bundle directly to ChatGPT. Making your workflow much more streamlined.

Prompt Advance ChatGPT Extension

Prompt Advance ChatGPT Extension

In this quick guide, we'll walk you through the process of installing the extension and using it to generate your first response.

Before you start!

In order to use this extension, you need to have access to our ChatGPT prompt bundle.

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Installing Extension

The first step is to install the extension through the official Web Store.

What about other browsers?

We'll be releasing the extension for other major browsers like Firefox, Safari, and Opera soon.

Once you've added the extension to your browser, head over to ChatGPT and sign in with your Prompt Advance credentials.

Sign in to Prompt Advance ChatGPT extension

Once you're signed in, you'll see the Prompt Advance logo on the left bottom of your screen.

Prompt Advance is active in ChatGPT

Extension is active

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Using Extension

Now, it's time to use the extension to find the prompt you want. Start by clicking on the logo, and search for the task you need to do.

Searching for a prompt in Prompt Advance extension

Finding a prompt

When you find the prompt you like, click on it and it will be automatically copied & pasted into ChatGPT prompt input.

Make additional changes

Feel free to update the prompt as you like as well as replace the placeholder with your actual data.

Save to Favorites

We all have prompts that we use more often than the others and it's important that we can find them quickly & conveniently.

That's why we have the option to like any prompt and add it to your "favorites" collection.

Like prompt in Prompt Advance

Liking a prompt

Once you've built your "collection" of favorite prompts, you can easily access them by choosing "My Favorites" out of the filtering options.

Liked Prompts in Prompt Advance

Browse liked prompts

That's all for now, hope you'll find our extension useful and that you'll have a good time using it.